Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Plants and Animals - Be Careful!

From Amy Christy, International Personal Move Counselor

As an avid gardener for years (and wannabe Master Gardener), I used to haphazardly plant my flower gardens, throwing in just about anything that would yield that "Cottage Garden" look. However, as the years passed, I became horrified to learn that some of the plants in my landscape were actually poisonous to animals. Without a second thought, I began ripping out beds of suspect flowering perennials, morning glories, and beautiful Foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea, which are used to make the heart medicine "digitalis" - one of the most poisonous plants in existence!). To this day, I refuse to have a Poinsettia in my house during the holidays. My pets' safety must come first!

It is always best to consider all plants poisonous unless you know otherwise. Dogs and cats can become extremely ill or even die from eating poisonous plants. Please always keep all unknown types of plants and any plants suspected of being poisonous out of reach of your pet. If in doubt, consult with your veterinarian or check the list of Toxic Plants provided by the ASCPA. While this list may not be all inclusive, it is a good start to ensure that the plants in your garden and your home are safe for your furry friends.

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