Thursday, July 10, 2008

Got Skunk?

By Amy Christy - International Personal Move Counselor

Last month, one of my dogs, Nettie, managed to stumble across a skunk.... and on this ill-fated day, the skunk won! We have lived in the country for many years and have been very fortunate that all of our dogs have somehow managed to escape the dreaded encounter with "Pepe Le Pew." This particular evening, however, we were not so lucky, as the tell-tale aroma kept getting closer and closer as Nettie approached us from the field...

Because it was an evening when the vet was not open, I resorted to the internet for immediate home remedies. While there were numerous suggestions offered by other unfortunate dog owners facing the same dilemna, many of them appeared to be myths (such as bathing your dog in tomato juice, which we didn't even want to try, as we did not want to turn her beautiful white coat pink)! The following solution seemed to be the "tried and true" method attested to by many. I raced to the nearest Walmart for the suggested ingredients - lots of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda!

Here is the recipe that worked for us - we had to make it in larger quantities to accommodate Nettie's size and thick coat:
1 quart hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup of baking soda
1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap

Don't wet your dog down first. Put the mixture on your dog while your dog is still dry. Lather up your pooch, leave on for about 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Repeat once if needed (sometimes the first shot will get most of the odor but not quite all). If your dog still has a skunk "fragrance" the next day, repeat the procedure.

Be certain not to get the mixture into any of your dog's membranes (eyes, ears, nose, etc). It is best to apply this solution as soon as your dog is "skunked" and before the spray has the opportunity to seep into the skin. Nettie did have her annual vet visit several weeks after this encounter, and our veterinarian indicated this procedure was both safe and effective. However, if in doubt, ALWAYS check with your veterinarian first! And of course, if your dog appears to have been bitten, rush to the veterinarian right away!

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