Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Traveling with Great Danes - Dog Shipping

I must admit I have always loved Great Danes. Their size and majesty captivated me from an early age. We have also become a huge fan of the blog which provides wonderful information regarding different vehicles as it relates to transporting canines.

So when they ran a recent story regarding one readers experience on transporting her two Great Danes, I thought it would be valuable information for our readers. As many of you know, the larger the breed, the more difficult it becomes to safely and logistically move them from one place to another. A brief excerpt:

"Eventually we realized a minivan was the best option. With one of the middle seats removed, our dog could ride there, with still enough seats for up to six human passengers, and still a cargo area behind the rear seats for luggage and whatnot. (We’re not the types to strap stuff to the roof.) We learned that, at least back then, the Town & Country was the top-of-the-line minivan. Everything else really paled in comparison. We saw all the amenities, and were sold. We’d become minivan owners."

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