Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dog Shipping - Getting The Process Started For Going to London

As a major financial and business hub, London England is far and away the destination we service the most. We are pleased to do it as it is truly a destination where the assistance of professionals is a value add proposition.

There is officially a "six month quarantine" period which used to mean six months in a facility upon landing in London. However, with the enactment of The Pet Scheme, pets can complete the waiting period in the comfort of their own home.

The key is start the process at least six months prior to departure and to do it correctly. These are the steps.

1. Insert a microchip - AVID and Home Again are the most popular
2. Give your pet a rabies shot - It doesn't matter if he had one a month ago if he didn't previously have a microchip inserted
3. Blood draw for the Rabies Titre - We can provide your vet with details

The six month clock starts ticking the date the blood is drawn. This sounds easy, but I can't tell you how many clients we inform that they have to start over because it was done incorrectly.

We have a one page PDF form which you can print out and take with you to the vet (or you can email it ahead). Please drop us an EMAIL and we will be glad to send it along.

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