Friday, October 10, 2008

Pets to Australia - International Pet Shipping

Australia is certainly one of the more involved countries to send pets to and we highly recommend using our services as the consequences are six months in quarantine for any missed item.

The key is to get started at least 5 months before you plan to depart. There is a mandatory 30 quarantine at a facility in Australia. However, you must do the correct blood tests and paperwork to be eligible for only 30 days.

To correctly begin the procedure, you need to:
  1. Insert a microchip - AVID and Home Again are the most popular
  2. Give your pet a rabies shot - It doesn't matter if he had one a month ago if he didn't previously have a microchip inserted
  3. Blood draw for the Rabies Titre - We can provide your vet with details on where to send the sample
The clock starts ticking when the blood is drawn so the above will at least get you started on the right path.

Also, please do NOT vaccinate your dog against Leptospirosis (the "L" in a standard DHLPP vaccine). Instead please give the DHPP vaccine. Giving the Lepto vaccine can result in a false positive on the Lepto test which is required before your dog can enter.

Again, Australia is one of the countries where it is truly wise to engage our services.

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